Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Activity Two: Multiple Intelligences

After completing the BGFL (Birmingham grid for learning) test I was given a circular table outlining the weakness's and strengths of my own learning abilities. This was also displayed in the Felder and Solomon test results and once again I found no surprises.

The information gathered by these tests can be used to inform my own learning design. The test shows that my highest intelligence areas are kinaesthetic and visual, this helps me within my own studies by pin pointing the kind of activities, environments and tools I need to utilise in order to maximise my learning potential.

If I were to use a test such as this one on my own students I would be able to profile how they think and pinpoint what tactics I need to use in order to stimulate their learning. However in a class of 30 it would be ignorant to think that one intelligence applies to all students. Lessons need to be designed in such a way that they cover equal amounts of the multiple intelligences so the reach of the knowledge being taught is greater. This can be achieved by using visual aids, talking and then doing class activities, therefore getting all students involved in the learning process using different areas of learning abilities.

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